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Steel Launch Rods


We think we have come up with a reliable and easy way to make durable launch rods for model rockets. Our SPORT launch rack uses this system. We braze 1/8" and 3/16" three foot steel launch rods to a coupler nut. If you want to take advantage of our rods, all you need to do is visit your local hardware store and buy the bolts to outfit your rack. Leave the rest up to us.

10-24 Coupler 1/8" Launch Rods for $8.00 each | 3/16" Launch Rods for $10.00 each.

1/4"-20 Coupler 1/8" Launch Rods for $14.00 each | 3/16" Launch Rods for $16.00 each.

Launch Rods Quote

We'll determine precise shipping costs and send you an invoice. We ship when you pay.

1/8" Launch Rods 10-24
3/16" Launch Rods 10-24
1/8" Launch Rods 1/4"-20
3/16" Launch Rods 1/4"-20
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